Gambling Addiction Quiz

All questions in this quiz ask you to consider you behaviour over the previous 12 months to assess your level of gambling.

1. Do you spend lots of time on or planning your gambling activity?(Required)
2. When gambling, are you spending increasing amounts of money to get the same excitement?(Required)
3. Have you, or do you, hide your gambling from friends, loved ones or colleagues?(Required)
4. When not gambling, have you had feelings of irritability or restlessness?(Required)
5. Has your gambling ever interfered with your work or personal relationships?(Required)
6. Have you ever struggled to cut back on your gambling?(Required)
7. Have you ever felt, anxiety, guilt or sadness regarding your gambling activities?(Required)
8. Have you ever needed someone else to bail you out with financial problems created by your gambling?(Required)
9. Have you ever stolen or committed other criminal activities to your needs to gamble?(Required)
SIAS Quiz Results
If you need to understand more about addiction and substance misuse to support those you work with and encourage them to enter treatment - for example if you work in the health & social care sector, education, youth services or the criminal justice system, or you work in an industry or company where substance misuse is rife - contact us about our training sessions and workshops. We offer pre-planned sessions, or we can work with you to tailor something to your needs.